The Revolution Will be Televised



The Revolution will be Televised


You will be given two days off of work to celebrate

You will be able to layback,

Play Call of Duty,

And practice yoga


You will be able to lose your self at Burning Man

Find your self at the Joshua Tree

And post it all on The Gram


Because the revolution Will be televised


The revolution Will be televised


The revolution will be brought to you by Google,

Apple, and Pabst Blue Ribbon

The revolution will have a president

You Voted

either for or against

Sending tweets antagonizing football players

Born in a town with lead in the water


The revolution will be televised


Banksy, Dr. Cornel West,

And confused people burning cars in France

Will get their time in front of a camera


The revolution will be televised


The revolution will be delivered to you

By Amazon through your local Wholefoods

It will star Busy Phillips, Rashida Jones,

And Fabio

And be produced by Judd Apatow


It will let you taste the rainbow,

Smile for a selfie,

And feel like your Facebook avatar has always dreamed


The revolution will be televised


There will be Snapchats and Vines of regular people

with Bill Murray

doing dishes at a frat house


And Casey Gerald giving powerful speeches at TED


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and

Bernie Sanders

will be guests on late night talk shows

where live audiences are prompted to applaud

From comfortable seats


CNN and Fox News will compete

to perfectly cover the

Moment to moment of every participant in the revolution


Because the revolution will be televised


There will be pictures of cops beating, choking, and shooting

Brothers, on constant replay


There will be video – live video – of brothers who cannot breathe

Broadcast on constant replay


There will oscar winning movies showing

Detailed hardship of black history

And, also, triumph in Wakanda


No one needs to host the revolution

It will Still be televised


Blackish, Glee, Modern Family,

Sense 8 and Orange is the New Black will be

On every channel and all too relevant

Because marginalized groups are walking in the streets

Fully represented,

And not looking for a brighter day


The revolution will be televised


There will be commentary

On the 11 o’clock news

There will be clips of Melania Trump

And her controversial coat


The theme song will be written by

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga

And sung by Billie Eilish, Marilyn Manson

Damian Marley

And Immortal Technique


The revolution will be televised


The revolution will be accessible through Alexa and Siri,

On sale at Walmart

En route via Bitesquad

And sent up into space in a Tesla


You will not have to worry about an alligator in your bedroom,

A shark in your tank

or the chain in your toilet bowl


The revolution will come with a coupon for a Pepsi

It will wear Crest Whitestips,

and it will call you an Uber


The revolution will be televised

will be televised

Will. Be. Televised


There will always be a chance to see it again

or later for the very first time

on your DVR


The revolution is alive